About Vitberg
Our mission is to help
Effectively and without side effects
Find out in which cases it is worth using the Vitberg RS2

Benefits of vibrotherapy
No side effects
Long-lasting effects thanks to systematic use
Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners
Noticeable effects from 1 treatment
Vibrotherapy - effective in the fight against chronic pain

How it's working?
Vibrotherapy relieves pain through several mechanisms: it stimulates surface and deep pain receptors, raising the pain threshold in the long term; improves blood and lymph circulation; helps to relieve inflammation and improves bone mineral density. In addition, therapeutic vibrations relax the muscles and combat their excessive tension and strengthen the muscles, e.g. paraspinal, which is especially important in the case of degenerative changes.

When and for whom?
Vibrotherapy can be a very valuable complement to therapy directed against chronic pain, especially it can be a very good preparation for physical exercises that are difficult to approach when feeling pain, and which are so important in rehabilitation after injuries, or in improving the everyday life of seniors or overweight people.

In studies of Polish scientists, after vibrotherapy sessions, pain intensity was reduced by 50% in the case of people suffering from chronic pain and by 88% in people with acute pain. People in the study significantly reduced the amount of painkillers they took (by 55% for patients with chronic pain) and noticed an improvement in their quality of life.

How it's working?
Vibrotherapy accelerates recovery after training by lowering blood lactate, IL-6 and myoglobin concentrations, which, when elevated, are associated with: fatigue, development of inflammatory processes and skeletal muscle damage, respectively. Moreover, vibrotherapy increases the concentration of MMP-2, which may contribute to a more effective remodeling of the extracellular matrix and stimulate angiogenesis, improving the blood supply and nutrition of the adjacent tissues.

When and for whom?
Instrument vibration massage supports sports training, physiotherapy and biological regeneration. It is recommended to professional athletes, amateurs, but also to people weakened after illness and wishing to return to high sports form; also to people with limited access to active exercise.

Regeneration in sport plays an extremely important role. It is to a large extent that the increase in exercise capacity depends on it, which directly translates into results. One of the most effective methods of alleviating or eliminating the pain and discomfort of an athlete after intense training is a vibration massage.
Vibrotherapy - improves sports performance and regenerates

Vibrotherapy - effective in the fight against obesity and overweight

How it's working?
Vibrotherapy, acting as a passive substitute for physical activity, increases metabolism and improves fat metabolism.

When and for whom?
Overweight and obese people, especially those who find it hard to stick to a proper diet and physical activity, including the elderly, should seriously consider vibrotherapy treatments as a supplement to their weight loss program.

In a scientific study with the use of Vitberg vibrotherapy devices, after a 3-week therapy with oscillatory-cycloid vibration, women over 65 years of age saw an improvement in lipid profile indicators. In turn, the application of 30 treatments on the same device to a group of 21 men of similar age (60-70 years old) in another scientific study also had a positive effect on obesity.

How it's working?
The key to the therapeutic effect of vibrations on the circulatory system is stimulating the widening of small blood vessels and increasing venous return, i.e. increasing blood flow, and thus - better tissue oxygenation. This is related to the stimulation of the vascular endothelium by vibrations to secrete nitric oxide, which causes relaxation of the smooth muscles surrounding the vascular endothelium.

When and for whom?
Cardiological vibrotherapy is recommended prophylactically for people at risk of cardiovascular problems associated with reduced physical activity, obesity, hypertension, heart disease. Cardiological vibrotherapy is also recommended for people after a heart attack, but after stabilizing the disease and consulting a cardiologist.

Japanese scientists from the prestigious Kitasato University in a sample of 20 elderly patients with stable cardiovascular disease showed an improvement in vascular endothelial function after a single 10-minute training consisting of resistance exercises performed on a vibrating platform. Vibrotherapy did not cause any adverse effects/side effects.
Vibrotherapy - improves cardiovascular functions