LifeWave Y-Age Carnosine Patches

Movement keeps us youthful. Y-Age Carnosine elevates the production of carnosine, a naturally occurring amino acid with antioxidant properties. It supports mobility, flexibility, strength, and balance so you’re not just keeping up—you’re leading the way.


  • Improves strength and flexibility
  • Improves overall health
  • Improves bioelectrical properties of organs

LifeWave Y-Age Carnosine Patches Bundle Science

Independent third-party clinical studies on GHK-Cu have determined some remarkable benefits of this copper peptide, including support of the body’s natural wound-healing process. Perhaps even more remarkably, GHK-Cu resets the genes in the body to a younger healthier state. Initial clinical work performed by Dr. Loren Pickart showed that old liver cells, when exposed to GHK-Cu, started to function like younger healthier cells!
Over the past 10 years, David Schmidt and the research team at LifeWave in San Diego, California have been investigating new methods for dramatically accelerating the way in which the human body heals after injury. The discoveries and inventions created by David and his team have led to more than 70 global patents in the field of regenerative science. Later studies with animals and humans showed that specific applications of electromagnetic fields, which were created by some of these devices, enhanced the activity of stem cells. Thus, both animals and humans could heal much faster as compared to no therapy being applied.


A study done by scientists at the University of Texas at El Paso showed very significant or highly significant improvement in the physiologic functional status of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestine, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid.


Conducted in 2010, this double blind, placebo-controlled study shows that the Y-Age Carnosine patch significantly increases flexibility, balance, strength and endurance in healthy humans. These increases range as high as 125 percent for strength and endurance, nearly 30 percent for flexibility, and 100 percent for balance. Further, it’s likely that this patch produces greater or sustained effects when worn for longer periods. These results also demonstrate that this patch considerably decreases the lactate threshold and heart rate at lactate threshold, improving endurance in athletic performance. Importantly, no test subjects experienced adverse effects wearing the Y-Age Carnosine patch.

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