Quantum analysis

What is it? Testing with a quantum analyser

A few minutes are all it takes to find out the levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes in the body and the actual condition of the organs.

More about quantum analyser

The quantum analyser is a simple device that works on the basis of the flow of energy in the body, known as bioimpedance. It also reads the levels of all nutrients in the body: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, coenzymes, hormones, as well as sugar, lipids and collagen. And so, graphs appear on the computer screen showing the concentrations of the body’s vital substances. In just a few minutes, I have before me a list corresponding to at least 20 laboratory tests – obtained in a non-invasive and safe manner. In this way, the initial state of your health is determined.

Quantum magnetic resonance – as this method is often referred to – was developed on the basis of research carried out on astronauts. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by the human body vary according to the state of individual organs.

The information collected by the device includes the circulatory and cerebral vascular systems, the functions of the digestive tract, intestines, liver and gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, lungs. They also provide information on the condition of the brain, thyroid, skin, skeletal, endocrine, reproductive and immune systems. In addition, you will learn from the reports what the bone mineral density is. Quantum analysis will also answer the question of how many toxins, heavy metals and allergens are contaminating your body.

– safe, the test is performed in a non-invasive way, so the device will not harm the human body. Based on the test reports, you can get test information, suggestions and suggestions to support your body,

– the device can detect changes in health before obvious signs of illness appear,

– motivates and guides you in the direction of good health, proper body weight, healthy eating and biologically active supplementation.



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We Analyse:

  • Cardiovascular system
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Intestinal functions
  • Liver
  • Gallbladder
  • Pancreas
  • Kidney functions
  • Lung functions
  • Brain
  • Bone system
  • Bone mineral density
  • Rheumatoid bone disease
  • Bone growth index
  • Sugar
  • Trace elements
  • Vitamins
  • Amino acids
  • Coenzymes
  • Endocrine system
  • Immune system
  • Thyroid
  • Toxins
  • Heavy metals
  • General physical condition
  • Allergens
  • Obesity
  • Skin
  • Eyes
  • Collagen
  • Meridians
  • Heart and cerebral vascular pulse
  • Lipids
  • Prostate / Gynaecology
  • Sperm and sperm cells / Breasts
  • Reproductive functions
  • Body composition