Live long, live well, live younger
LifeWave technology was invented by American scientist David Schmidt during research work for the US Army. His goal was to invent a new medical technology that would lead to increased energy levels and reduced pain without the use of chemicals, in a completely safe and natural way. It is a breakthrough combination of advances in modern medicine, traditional Chinese acupuncture and the latest discoveries in nanotechnology. Nanoplasts do not require an external source of electricity, as they are activated by human heat and as soon as they are applied to the body, they begin to send a signal to the cells activating their potential for self-regeneration and increasing the amount of energy produced in them.
Lifewave patches are a modern form of phototherapy. They contain organic crystals that, when exposed to heat generated by the body, reflect small amounts of light in the infrared and visible light bands. When placed on the body, the patches stimulate nerves and acupuncture points on the surface of the skin, resulting in health benefits unattainable with any other product currently on the market.
FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) confirms this phenomenon. The patches contain a proprietary blend of amino acids, water, stabilised oxygen and natural organic compounds. None of the substances contained in the patches penetrate the body. We have become accustomed to thinking that in order to improve our health, we need to put something (such as vitamins) inside the body. While proper nutrition, hydration and exercise are essential elements of a healthy lifestyle, our body also needs a constant flow of energy. For example, our brain and nerves send electrical signals to our muscles, causing them to contract as a result of using the chemical energy stored in the cells.
It has been known for thousands of years that certain frequencies of light can cause specific changes in the human body. When we go out in the sun, the frequency of light received causes vitamin D to be produced in our body. A different frequency of light (UV radiation) results in the production of melanin - the chemical responsible for a tan. The LifeWave patch uses this knowledge to stimulate the body to activate stem cells, increase energy, fight pain, detoxify, delay the effects of ageing, control appetite, reduce stress, provide better quality sleep, support a healthy cardiovascular system, improve mood by stimulating endorphin production, improve skin health and even to safely relieve pain and inflammation
The first independent studies have already shown a more than 20% acceleration in fat burning and an average 25% increase in energy and performance! And all this without any substance entering the body!This information instantly made its way into the world of professional athletes and many of them started using it regularly, breaking their previous records. These include sports celebrities such as David Beckham, Serena Williams, Ronnie Coleman, Olympic gold medallists, among others.