You might be asking what is Healy?
It is a wearable micro-current device that is designed to support & relieve various imbalances. Equipment with a quantum sensor, this amazing device sends individualized frequencies to achieve balance in both body and mind. Originally developed on Europe this global business has now spread into Asia and the USA.
About Healy
FSM – Frequency Specific Micro-current
HEALY is a Class IIa certified medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for adjunctive therapy for mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders. All other numerous uses of HEALY are not currently recognised by conventional medicine (due to lack of evidence as understood by conventional medicine).
HEALY is a device of a completely new era and an information medicine* of the future (information / quantum medicine*), going beyond the officially known applications. HEALY offers on-site and remote actions for both typical physical and energetic topics (quantum information fields).
For on-site activities, an adjustment of cellular frequencies is performed. Disturbances of cell membrane tension are, according to the model of the researchers Robert O. Becker and Bjorn Nordenstrom, former chairmen of the Nobel Committee, co-responsible for almost all acute and chronic conditions. HEALY is designed to help you regain healthy cell membrane tension. Microcurrents of different frequencies flow through the cells and throughout the body.
With advancing age and during illness, cell membrane tension may decrease according to the model mentioned above. This process can manifest as pain and inflammation, or even cell death.

Using the correct currents and frequencies, HEALY is designed to counteract and even reverse this process.
In addition to certified medical applications, you will also find options to work on chakras, auras, medians, their correction and healing, inserting desired data into your personal field and many other extraordinary applications, while the HEALY RESONANCE version is enriched with a quantum module allowing you to work on information fields (quantum, morphic) both locally and at a distance. You can also insert into your personal information field homeopathic, vitamin, amino acid or mineral frequencies as well as gemstone or flower energies (e.g. Bach essences). After the analysis and transmission of the vibrations you receive a PDF report on the required actions. Currently, the most extensive version of HEALY is the Professional version and, in theory, it is mainly intended for practicing therapists.
With HEALY you can also cleanse and enrich the morphic fields of your home, car, office or even selected objects.
During a HEALY session your information field is scanned, diagnosed blockages are removed and necessary corrections are made. Analysis and correction of chakras, information fields, removal of karmic and energetic blockages and introduction of beneficial frequencies into the person’s information field is done. HEALY sessions enable also to cleanse places (houses, flats, offices, cars etc.) from negative energy and to introduce supportive vibrations.
Should you wish to purchase such a device for yourself, I invite you to use the links pasted here (depending on which area of the world you are purchasing from). When you go to the HEALY website – after a few seconds – a window will appear where you please click YES, THIS IS MY REFERER.